If the MTS course schedule doesn’t fit yours, or you would like a more one-on-one approach; MTS can hold private training sessions to fit your training needs. Private training needs a minimum of three months advance notice to ensure scheduling of venues and any travel logistics, as well as training logistics.
Private class pricing is $300 for the first four hours. After four hours, the price will be $100 for each hour thereafter, capped at $800 for a nine hour day. This reflects the student(s) traveling to MTS and utilizing a venue local to me. Your tuition will cover range fees and the associated logistics of materials and travel. If you wish for MTS to travel to your location, there will be additional fees to cover associated travel logistics that will be coordinated via email and/ or over the phone with the client.
For creating customized programs a one time $200 fee will be be invoiced to you, and must be paid before the program is built. No scheduling will be done before this fee is paid either, and this fee is non-refundable. Otherwise, private training will follow established MTS programs; a single person can be run through a full program in 7-9 hours, so I normally recommend breaking the training up into two days of four hours each, which does save money ($300/ day for two days at $600 total, compared to $800 for a single day of continuous training). The break in-between days also allows for more absorption of material covered.
Please use the link below to contact Blake Flannery for private classes, and be sure to include your name and contact information, organization, training desired (please be specific), and available/ desired dates for training.