Brilliance in the basics
Maneuver Training Solutions, LLC is owned and operated by Blake Flannery, a retired Force Recon Marine. Through MTS, I offer classes that focus on ingraining the fundamentals of marksmanship, efficient manual of arms; incorporating movement, and the use of cover and barricades. MTS occasionally offers advanced topics such as night vision, and close quarters battle for personal/ home defense. All of this is done under the auspice of instilling a sense of hard work and dedication to the craft of being a responsible armed citizen; an American rifleman.
Shooting is shooting, and MTS will provide you the knowledge and training to improve your current skill level and enable continuation of progress beyond each MTS class. Classes are no frills, only valuable drills and concepts are taught; there are no “levels” to classes, only topics to be covered and tie into one another without requiring one class to attend another. MTS does not believe in overwhelming students with complicated and overly complex scenarios, riduclous drills that incorporate lots of frills without providing context or value, or training that only mislead students to feeling accomplished because so many things happened. We will break down every drill, and every rep, so students understand their performance and current capability; and how to progress further. It is my charge to provide you with the tools to grow during and beyond each class.
Maneuver Training Solutions primarily focuses on firearms training, though occasionally we will offer some tactical training. If you’re seeking training in small unit tactics; from close quarters battle to patrolling then seek out Orion Training Group . I conduct the majority of tactical based training through OTG, up and down the East Coast. If you don’t find the class/ training type you want through the schedule here, look at the OTG schedule and you’ll very likely find what you need.
MTS operates out of North Carolina, and though it is the desire and aim of MTS to provide an avenue for the men and women serving in the US Armed Forces in the region to have a place to further their skills; all MTS classes are OPEN ENROLLMENT. Whether you are military in any capacity, law enforcement, or citizen; every American is welcome in every class.

Check out the MTS collaboration with Lox & Co! The Stay Dangerous Do-All Balm is made with beeswax which has a litany of uses from making fire starters, waterproofing and protecting leather, to lip balm; of course it can be used in your beard, mustache, and hair!